Love breaks into the lives of two young women. Unexpected and passionate...
Adèle, a 15-year-old high-school student, meets a mysterious, blue-haired girl in the street. A passionate and chaotic love story has begun...
15-year-old Adèle dreams of finding the love of her life. When she meets Thomas - a dark, handsome, friendly stranger who falls for her instantly - her dream seems to have come true. But an unsettling erotic reverie upsets the romance before it begins. Adèle imagines that the mysterious, blue-haired girl she encountered in the street slips into her bed and possesses her with an overwhelming voluptuous pleasure. She can no longer deny her true desires - Adèle likes girls. Then the gorgeous, sensual blue-haired girl reappears. and approaches her. A passionate and chaotic love story has begun... The tender, provocative and deeply moving “Blue is the Warmest Colour'' sees Abdellatif Kechiche returning to the themes of youth, desire and love he depicted so powerfully in his multi-award-winning “Games of Love and Chance” .